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  1. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    F-22 is a dedicated air superiority fighter with limited ground attack abilities slapped on. F-35 is not, it's a strike fighter. It's somewhat hidden these days under the technicality that tactical jets are de facto multirole, but some are fighters first, most of the well known US cold war ones...
  2. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    All the kerfuffles you and many others bring up to talk down US capabilities ultimately come down to the war in questions being bound by political limits so strict that they would be unthinkable to the point of being target of satire in WW2 or earlier. Land invasions of what? China has not...
  3. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    The flip side is that even slight variations in the political limits, due to how ridiculously powerful they became in modern West, can mean significant changes in amount of resources thrown at any way. Impossible of course, as these things can't go out to the ocean to fight. What do you...
  4. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    It was a major ship loss, to a handful of second rate missile, because a ship that looks quite scary on paper turned out to have maintenance and training issues and so be a paper tiger just on account of those little details. No we cannot. Germans by the end were fighting in total war mode...
  5. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    Slava class is a guided missile cruiser too, and of similar tonnage to Ticonderoga. Yet it *somehow* was able to fight a war without putting a set of utterly retarded and self-imposed restrictions on itself that made the war unwinnable. South Vietnam collapsed because USA reduced material...
  6. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    On Russia's scale, it's not far off. After all, the ship in question was Russia's equivalent to a Ticonderoga class cruiser, and Russia had even fewer of such. Comparing it to loss of few minesweepers (inherently endangered ships in particular due to what their job is) is unreasonable to the...
  7. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    The bigger difference is that whoever it will be against, it will be a game of full contact kickboxing, not soccer where you can't even intentionally kick the enemy when the referee is looking. Tug and minsweepers. Nothing even close to losing a friggin flagship of the Pacific Fleet. Korea was...
  8. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    Do we need that red herring? Do we need the false binary where China either performs like Arabs or alternatively, has a fully competent military? Modern Russia is an interesting comparison, a country with "paper navy" trying to compete with NATO, but in practice losing major warships to a...
  9. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    The fact that you have to resort to the military and political issues of land insurgency and hybrid conflicts (Vietnam wasn't a normal COIN war, as North Vietnam also had a well supplied conventional military, with current generation fighters and armored vehicles) to make your point for what...
  10. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    If Chinese air assets are shooting down your helicopters, you are not boarding Chinese ships. You are firing harpoons, torpedos, JASSMs and everything but a kitchen sink at them at this point of escalation, no questions about it, while land and carrier based aircraft are fighting said air assets...
  11. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    This strategy is basically at sea trolling based on constant ideal vigilance, readiness perfect intelligence and organization of PLAN tracking groups. Contrary to popular opinion, if carriers don't want to be found, they aren't that easy to find. And no, China absolutely has not enough...
  12. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    Mantis is a situation where overkill is used due to small scale giving it expediency. Disabling does equal sinking a lot of the time if done away from bases and against ships without quality damage control as we see though. The other, separate concern is solely with fighting line warships, you...
  13. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    Absolutely terrible rule of thumb, completely ridiculous. Standard is not a real anti ship missile, it's a SAM with secondary use against ships, with tendency to shred superstructure and mission kill ships, but its not built to sink ships. Meanwhile in reality, 2 Ukrainian Harpoonski hits were...
  14. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    But what are the cheapest attacks? From US Navy, it won't be Somali pirate or Iranian style boghammer boats or Shahed drones. It will be a Harpoon from over the horizon, Hellfire from a helicopter for smaller boats, or a ship's deck gun, 57mm or 76mm usually. In addition to a 20mm or 30mm fast...
  15. M

    Future War with (Red) China Hypotheticals/Theorycrafting

    Wholly unrealistic due to what happened since the early WW2. Those experiences didn't go away, they were only a taste of things to come in the future. For one the value of aircraft in early WW2 naval warfare was considered questionable in general, but damn a lot has chanced in the next few...